So, Who Is Still Out There…

I was recently described as a “blogger,” but I’ve hardly blogged for a few years ago: is a semi-abandoned blog still a blog, even if there’s no new, real writing inside? Schrödinger would know.

…waiting, watching, listening in the dark? I’ve been a long while gone from WordPress, writing elsewhere, trying not to dwell on politics in these very dark times–a decision that feels more than a little irresponsible, frankly–dealing with some health issues, kicking those health issues’ asses (so far, no need to jinx it), and all the while experiencing a twinge of nostalgia for the web of folks with whom I interacted with throughout the four or five years I threw posts up on this whimsical page.

And yeah, that was one sentence, but remember the essential Old Road Apples theme: write whatever comes to mind and write it in the express lane, no big revisions, no multiple drafts, only the most cursory proofreading, so…insert tongue-sticking out emoticon here. Or “emoji,” if you must.

My point, to make a short story long: I’ve been mulling coming back here to play around. I miss the vibe, the simplicity of it compared to, say, Medium, which sort of sucks, even though there’s a lot of good work getting posted over there. Instagram stinks of art, but is just candy-coated food-porn, travel-porn, and porn-porn. WordPress also satisfies due to the relative rarity of trolls and automated vocabulary censors, being that I’m one foul-mouth mothafucka. But is it worth it to re-invest here? Are folks still hanging around? Should I take the time to find the necessary, compulsory (often hijacked) image required to grab enough attention to score more than a handful of “likes” and soak up the corresponding validation? I guess we’ll see. In the meantime, give me a shout-out if you remember me from a few years back. Reintroduce yourself. Let’s see where this takes us.

And as for Schrödinger, the answer to his philosophical quandary is this: patience. Just wait a day or two and, one way or another, that box is going to smell. Do you dare take a sniff?

6 responses to “So, Who Is Still Out There…”

  1. I agree, Instagram is a dud. It isn’t good for art either. I haven’t been back to WordPress for a while either, but I too miss the vibe here. Welcome back, Chuck. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The web is demanding more Chuck!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve been on WordPress for 10 years now. That’s pretty amazing. Still writing prolifically; my old blog was called Mark My Words, but I moved to South Dakota last year and started fresh with Swinged Cat. Good to see new posts from you.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hello there. Yes I’m still out here, churning out my usual bizarre tripe. I have only one demented patent now and I still try and write books. I have discovered that the footprint of a blog goes way further than the stats say. A lot of people tell me, ‘ of yes I read your blog.’ and I’m like, ‘you did?’ because often there’s no trace of them on the stats.



    Liked by 1 person

  5. I really like your blog. A pleasure to come stroll on your pages. A great discovery and very interesting blog. I’ll come back to visit you. Do not hesitate to visit my universe. See you soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You write it I’ll read it!

    Liked by 1 person

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