Please Explain Kim Kardashian To Me

I don’t understand Kim Kardashian, or any Kardashians, really (it seems like there are a lot of them.)  I seem to recall something about basketball players, and I did see that video with Kanye West–it makes sense they’re together, because I don’t “get” him, either, but at least I know what he does. What else? I know Bruce Jenner is involved in here somewhere–and that guy, I know about him: Olympic hero when I was a kid, his name used to be on my sneakers and his face on the Wheaties box, and he still rocks the same haircut as he did in 1976.

What I experienced searching for this picture was equal to an entire semester of sex education, with midgets--I wouldn't recommend it to the faint of heart.
What I experienced searching for this picture was equal to an entire semester of sex education, with midgets–I wouldn’t recommend it to the faint of heart.

I also know what there was a Kardashian Television show, but our TV only goes up to channels with numbers I can count on my fingers and toes, so I’ve never seen it.  And there was Porn, right?  Maybe that’s why she’s popular–everybody loves porn, especially the people who say they don’t.

So is that it?  Is she a porn chick? I was thinking the porn was a later thing, but I don’t know.

I could look.  I know that I could look, with a few taps of the keys upon which my fingers now dance so merrily, and use the magic of google to learn far more about Kim Kardashian than any right-minded person should know.  The interwebs are that strange and powerful, but I don’t’ want to use them in this instance because I’d rather hear from you, gentle reader,–and because if I used google I’d have to come up with something else to write this morning.

My big question about this Kardashian character is–how do I put it delicately?–the juxtaposition between what I’ve learned and experienced about perceived societal norms and relative beauty standards, stereotypes, and (here it comes) her butt.

I’m sorry, but for all of my life I’ve experienced the men around me going nuts for ccgirls and women who engender a lean, shapely, but not overly curvy stereotype.  The icon of my generation was Cindy Crawford–a tall, leggy, athletic looking woman who, while still emerging from the generation of models who actually ate food rather than living on cigarettes and coffee* resembled a healthy, vibrant human being–not a quasi-human living coat hanger.  There were aberrations, of course–Dolly Parton springs to mind–but beauty, for my generation of young men, was pretty much dictated to us by Sports Illustrated, with a little help from Farrah Fawcett.  Okay, a lot of help.

Then came the skinnies–girls that were more difficult to lust after because, frankly, they looked like mannequins and just as fragile, and it was a pretty good bet that underneath all that make-up was some 14-year-old schoolgirl from West Covina, CA into which all of her mother’s unmet ambitions and bitter self-loathing had been poured, since birth.  Ewww.

And now, I’m hearing about “Kim Kardassian breaks the internet” and seeing her photo all over my news feeds, and I’m confused. All of my life, since about 5th grade, I’ve heard guys make fun of, ridicule, and reject girls with big butts.  For nearly as long, I’ve heard girls and women do the same, generally behind each others’ back but not always. Since I’ve been involved with women on a more intimate level, I’ve likewise had them complain to me, and to anyone close enough to hear, that their butt is HUGE. I dated a girl was was 5’2 and 101–she incessantly ranted about her “bubble butt.”  A few years later, I was involved with a 5’11, 130 lb volleyball player who, you guessed it, complained about her butt.  Every woman I’ve been involved with, right up to my wife and including many friends, has expressed butt issues or, just as bad, butt snarkiness.

kim-kardashian-buttSo, tell me: what the hell am I supposed to make of this?  I mean, right on for breaking the mold and (one of my favorite phrases) subverting the dominant paradigm but really, what the hell?  Just when I think I have everything figured out, this girl with this giant, gelatin-coated butt goes hyper viral.  Is she so charming and wonderful that people are willing to give up their time-honored unrealistic body ideals for someone built like someone you’d actually see in the frozen food aisle at the grocery store? I hope so, but I’m a little cynical.  I keep thinking that there is something at work that I’m missing.  If so, what is it?  Has the world really changed for the better because a woman who, as far as I can tell, is famous because some marketing geniuses decided to present her as something who was famous, has a stupendous posterior?

If that’s true, then the marketers have succeeded where an entire generation of feminists have failed, and by a precisely opposite methodology. Fascinating, isn’t it?–and tangentially related to my post about acting like you know what you’re doing to convince others what you’re doing is what you’re supposed to be doing.


1. Girls with big asses aren’t sexy and should be mocked, except…
2. Kim Kardassian has “got back’ like you freaking can’t freaking imagine, and…
3. Kim Kardashian is freaky popular enough to “break the internet” so…
4. Big bottoms must be sexy to more folks than just Queen.

*Let’s be honest, coffee is, and cigarettes would be, staples of my own diet if I knew the smokes wouldn’t kill me–so apologies to Kate Moss and her spiritual descendents.

12 responses to “Please Explain Kim Kardashian To Me”

  1. I have no explanation. But I’ll let you know- what came first? The porn or the Kardashian? It was the porn. She made some kind of sex tape.


    1. Thanks–I’ve made a vow not to look her up, and to rely only on reader-generated testimony or incidental information in order to (I’m sorry) get to the bottom of this conundrum.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I support your decision, the less attention they receive the better IMO.


  2. Kim K never broke the internet, no matter why she would like to think. Who is she? Nobody really, a reality TV star – somebody who’s found fame by showing us every single one of her waking moments on screen. Also she made a sex tape. She married someone just for the publicity and ensuing money. Now she’s with Kanye who’s a total arse. She’s got a humongous butt and you’re right – it never used to be the thing, but now somehow it is. Except, is it really? Every girl I know, myself included, have problems with our butt: it’s too big, fat, isn’t peachy or firm enough. Do I like Kim’s butt? Frankly, no. It’s humongous as I think I’ve already mentioned and if I was a guy, it wouldn’t be my thing at all. I wouldn’t want to look like her either, but hey, each to their own. All the guys I know seem to be obsessed with her butt though, which I think is why girls try very hard to obtain one as gigantic as hers. But is Kim really worthy of anyone’s attention? Anyone with a brain I mean? No.


  3. Who cares about the Kardashians? but that Queen song is a classic as is the photo that came with the album way back when it came out. Fat Bottomed Girls was on the Jazz album which also included their hit Bicycle Race. Hence the photo … I was a teenage boy back then and in heaven when I ripped off the cellophane and found that inside the album.


    1. Oh, that’s glorious. I remember it vaguely–still wondering if it was a fortuitous find on their part or a posed photo. If the later, what an excellent example of the excesses of 1970s rock and roll!


      1. I’m pretty certain it was staged for the album. I’ve always been amazed at the idea that a band fronted by a gay man produced Fat Bottomed Girls and provided the poster for its fans. You’re right about it being a great example of the excesses of rock in that era.


  4. […] ← Please Explain Kim Kardashian To Me […]


  5. There was a big “to-do” about this on Facebook recently, and that is where I first saw the pictures. Like you, I’m aware of Jenner because I was a kid when he was an Olympian, and that he was/is involved in the K’s mother, (Kris, is it?) that shares his last name, so at some point must have married him. The first K sister I became almost familiar with was the one that co-hosted The X-Factor during its first season alongside Mario Lopez. That was my first glimpse into the annoyance that IS Kardashian-related. I wanted to throw stuff at my TV, she annoyed me so badly.

    Now, I don’t much care for my own ass, because I feel like it’s more a crack in my back than anything else, but have been taking steps to rectify that in the gym. On the other side of the spectrum, I would not prefer a Kim-sized ass, either. That said? I don’t think any woman is ever going to be 100% satisfied with their own body, and I figure that’s pretty much the norm. If you are sporting a humongous posterior (that is simply stating a fact…I’m not hating or body shaming in the least…the Hindenburg was a blimp, that is simply what it was) and want to grease it up and take pictures of it and put it out there on the interwebz, more power to you and your body confidence. I’m not into body-shaming and think that if you want to do this? Go for it, but at the same time? You also have to realize that you are (somehow) considered a celebrity and that automatically opens you up to a lot of public criticism. Personally? I don’t give two sh*ts about the whole Kardashian family drama or lack thereof, because they’ve pretty much stayed off my radar (I know…surprising, especially because I don’t live under a rock).

    I guess I just don’t understand how someone like this can create such an uproar. Are we that shallow as a society that something like a Kardashian baring ass is worthy of this kind of attention? I guess I’m older than I gave myself credit for…things I follow/find attention-worthy are current events that have some kind of substance or value. It’s just not worth the effort to me to Google this “phenomenon” (for lack of a better word), since I just don’t care…but I started reading your post about this and you brought up some pretty thought provoking points…

    Ok, that and it was a relief to see someone else who really doesn’t know who/what these people are. 😉



    1. I recently clicked on one of those “hit bait” web links with some inane title like “Things you never knew about 50 top celebrities.” I was curious, even though I had to click 101 times to get through all 50 celebrities. It became a bit of a challenge because I didn’t know who ANY of these people were. I ended up recognizing 7 by appearance (although 2 of these I couldn’t name–Bradley Cooper and the girl with the breasts from that horrid show with the cupcakes), and another 4 by name. A few others sounded familiar, but man, I had no idea how divorced from mainstream culture I’ve become. I found myself hoping for someone like Nathalie Portman or Orlando Bloom–whom I still consider to by “young,” mumbling, “c’mon Nathalie” with each click, like last dollar gambler kneeling in an alley, blowing on a pair of dice…but, hope. I’m old. Oh, well.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Explanation? = SELFIE.


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