Elizabeth Lauten & The Obama Girls

I suppose most of you–among the American contingent, at least–have by now heard about Elizabeth Lauten’s ill-considered, vile attack on President Obama’s teen-aged daughters, Sasha(16), and Malia(13).  I’ve been busy with family for the past three days, so I’m a little Obamas Yawnlate to the game, but I had to take an opportunity to say my piece.  First, in case you missed it, here’s the skinny:  Every year the President does this corny bit in which he “pardons” a couple of turkeys before going inside the White House to, um, have a nice turkey dinner.  It’s silly, but silly in a fun, nice, old-fashioned way.  The teenaged Obamas, as teens tend to be, were unimpressed in a very obvious, expertly ambivalent way.

Anyone who has ever known a teenager knows those faces.  Annoying? Sure.  But also an opportunity: anyone who has never mocked a child who is making that face hasn’t truly lived.  I enjoy it on an almost daily basis.

ClimberElizabeth Lauten, the communications director for U.S. Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-Tenn.) obviously has not had the pleasure, addressing the humorous image with a fusillade of angry denigration, publicly ridiculing President Obama’s children with a shockingly aggressive, repugnant, and inexcusable venom while taking a few oblique shots at the President and Mrs. Obama at the same time.

Elizabeth-Lauten-FB.png.CROP.rtstoryvar-mediumI ought not to be surprised–I like to joke that the only group I detest more than Democrats is Republicans, but the fact is that in the outright nasty department it takes one hell of an aggressive liberal to out-insult a  conservative.  Just think on Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and all those gap-toothed inbreds who insist on writing italicizing the President’s middle name, Barack Hussein Obama like it matters.  In the low blows department, these people are whacking at ankles with croquet mallets and laughing all the way to their meetings with Wall Street swindlers and CEO’s of offshore-based corporations.  Why wouldn’t they take aim at innocent children, especially given the enthusiastic, muttering hate of a small but vocal minority of the far right for the President?

A lot of folks are calling for Ms. Lauten’s head on a platter, or a least for her swollen cankles to be compelled to take their place in an unemployment line.  Not me.  I don’t give a shit.  Apologies have been demanded, but I don’t care about those, either–I’d rather the bitch stood adamantly behind her words then to cower behind insincere, politically expedient words scripted by a public relations consultant.

What really irks me is the script Ms. Lauten followed when the inevitable apology oozed out of her office.

What a load of cow pies, right?

“Blah, blah, blah I want to keep my job blah blah blah AFTER MANY HOURS OF PRAYER…blah blah blah.” That’s what I read.

I loathe this shit.  When I’ve tried to help people understand poetry, one of the tactics I suggested was to re-read a particular work with an eye towards visualizing each metaphorical element, then think about how they fit into the narrative.  That strategy can be instructive in this situation as well: just imagine Ms. Lauten on her knees, hands folded in front of her, communing with His Holy Humungousness–for “many hours,” on Thanksgiving Day no less,  over her venal skewering of a couple of innocent teenaged girls.  “Whatta ya think, G-Dawg, was that too much?”

I’m hear to tell you: that doesn’t mean a gawd-durned thing. I don’t give a good damn how much she prayed after the fact, playing the God Card now is a small, petty, and wholly transparent response.  Thinking that we’ll fall for such a cynical bit of ass-covering nonsense is, at best, gravely insulting.  Furthermore, I’m tired of self-professed Christians acting like supreme, sociopathic asshats until they’re called on it, only to step back, shove God in our faces, and ask forgiveness.  We’re smarter than that.  We see through you.

I mean: I’m an atheist, I don’t go to Church unless someone is dead or getting married, but somehow I know better than to act this way.  Why don’t they?  The truth is that they do.  They know, but they just don’t care.  Christian morality is little more than part of the costume they wear, like a prostitute in a corset and push-up bra, to seduce the weak and the idiotic.

Note: It seems Ms. Lauten isn’t alone in her cynical use of Christianity to serve her own wickedness.  This is her employer:  http://www.forbes.com/sites/rickungar/2013/05/22/gop-congressman-stephen-fincher-on-a-mission-from-god-starve-the-poor-while-personally-pocketing-millions-in-farm-subsidies/

43 responses to “Elizabeth Lauten & The Obama Girls”

  1. I think he should have granted them citizenship instead.


    1. Who? The turkeys?


  2. I’m a bit late to the Lauten tweet myself. Teenage girls are at their most vulnerable to other people’s view of them. We have seen over and over on social media. When kids are bullies we try to educate them and take action to change their behavior. But for an powerful adult to take pot shots at the president’s daughters in public is inexcusable. As for her prayers and insincere public apologies – too little too late. Ms. Lauren is quite fortunate she didn’t grow up in my neighborhood. Two seconds after she pressed post, my father and uncles would have been at her doorstep letter her know that I’d she so much as mentioned my sister or my name again in any content whatsoever, there would be serious consequences – and not some lame request for an apology.


    1. Right on! I’d be the same way with my own kids, or my nieces and nephews, or my friends’ kids, or my kids’ friends….

      This is just so damned far out of bounds.

      As for the prayer, I seriously doubt Ms. Lauten devoted a single second to prayer–or ever does, outside self-conscious appearances in church. For people like her, religion is a public thing, a part of her costume, nothing more.


  3. I hadn’t heard about this until I read your post. “These judgmental feelings truly have no place in my heart…” Sorry, sister, what you say at first is exactly what is in your heart. It’s the mea culpa afterwards that has no place in your heart. She showed her true stripes. Sadly, there are a whole lot of people who will agree with her simply because they will agree with anything that is a critique of the Obamas. I am so tired of this idea that only Republicans love their country and are patriotic and are respectful of their roles and our history, while anybody who disagrees with them is a slobbering communist pig who hates America. I will never understand how so many people continue to vote Republican in this country — except that it shows what is really in the hearts of those who vote to support these idiots.


    1. I could not agree more. Thank you for helping me not feel so alone in how I feel about politics these days.


      1. I understand your feeling. Right wing pundits and politicians have mastered the art of noise and distortion while convincing many voters they actually care about them. I’m as frustrated as you are.


  4. By the way, I decided to look up her boss. Apparently, when he first ran for Congress, he filed financial disclosure forms indicating that his only asset was his farm. The next disclosure he filed showed him lending his campaign $250,000 — as an unsecured loan. So, if his only asset was his farm, how did he suddenly obtain $250,000 to loan his campaign? He refused to answer the question until after the election that got him into Congress — when suddenly the loan turned into a loan secured by his farm.

    He is the kind of Republican who: supports cutting the Food Stamp program while receiving $3.5 million in subsidies for his farm.


    1. What are we going to do in the next elections?


      1. Hard to say. I have voted in every election for more than 30 years and I was this close to not voting in last month’s election. I’m just sooooooo frustrated by the process and the nature of the debate. Will see how I feel in two years. I know this, if Hillary Clinton is the Dem candidate, I’m not going to be very thrilled with my options.


      2. I’m looking for a “Bull Moose” progressive revival, but I suppose I’d settle for Elizabeth Warren, who seems to have somehow kept hold of her soul.


      3. What about Bernie Sanders?


      4. I’m still learning about Sanders, but I’m keeping my mind open.


  5. Your summary of this awful little episode is so well put. What a terrible woman to bash young girls on line like this. And then to play off like she is some virtuous individual. Hypocrite is a better word for her.


  6. Instead of “many hours of prayer”, it should have just taken her two seconds of common sense to realize how inappropriate her comments were. How pathetic!


  7. What happened to free speech in this country. Does it goes out the window simply because Mrs. Lauren sends out a tweet that has both truth and merit. Let’s be honest for a moment, the dresses the Obama girls were wearing was definitely unbecoming for the position their family currently hold. What happened to having standards and serving as an example. For all of the politically correct commenters, you’re definitely missing the mark by imply that Mrs. Lauren should apologize. In fact, she shouldn’t have to apologize for literally telling the truth. For example, all one has to do is pay attention to how the Obama girls dress which in many cases it’s borderline offensive and lewd.


    1. Ms Lauten absolutely has the right to say what she said. In fact, I’d advocate for etching those words on a brass plaque and mounting it where all can see. By the same token, those of us who find fault in Ms. Lauten’s public tirade against a couple of children have every right to call her out as the sniveling harpie that she most certainly is. As for the “unbecoming” wardrobes of the Obama children, I can’t imagine how anyone but the Amish might find them to be immodest–and the thing is, no Amish person I know would ever stoop so low as to publicly attack a teenaged girl.


    2. Ms. Lauten can say whatever she wants. As far as I’m concerned she shouldn’t have to apologize, primarily because the apology is empty and meaningless. I much rather have people like her spouting the crap she spouted because it shows just how ridiculous she is. And to call her comments what they are does not take away her right to free speech. As for your comments that they are dressed appropriately — I see nothing wrong with their outfits in this video, unless of course, you believe that women should keep their bodies covered, like our radical Islamic friends. Seriously, you think their outfits are borderline offensive and lewd? Wow.


  8. Within the body of Mrs. Lauten’s remarks about the Obama girls, she should had included an analysis in the consistent amateurish and graceless manner Mrs. Obama (FLOTUS) dresses as well. Let’s be honest, if FLOTUS didn’t have a platoon size level staff to paint her face, add attachments to her hair, and mask her protruding belly with an array of belts, she would not have been donning the front page of magazines incessantly. For example, one minute FLOTUS’s hair is the length of one fingernail and the next minute its below her shoulders. Really, even mountain sheep don’t grow hair that fast.

    In lieu of all of the world changing events taking place right in front of our eyes, the neoliberal mainstream media is focused on American citizen who was literally verbalizing “good parenting” suggestions.


    1. I’d prefer to look at it this way … “in lieu of all the world changing events taking place right in front of our eyes,” the communications director for a conservative, right wing Republican congressman chose to comment on the attitude of two teenagers who have probably been through six Turkey Day proclamations in their lives and really don’t need to participate in another. Yippee for you that you think this was an important matter for her to comment on. Clearly, you have never had kids. Otherwise, you would know that it is some times impossible to get them to act more respectful.

      But, I guess that since you are so aware of Michelle Obama’s fashion and hair, this is something you pay attention to. Carry on worrying about the trivial and using the trivial to attack the First Family. That’s the frustrating thing about all of this. There is nothing he can do that won’t subject him to scurrilous attacks. He went to a bookstore a few days ago. Took his daughters. Bought a huge stack of books. The visit was recorded by people with their cell phones. You should see the idiotic attacks from the right wing in the comments where the videos are posted. Attacking him for everything from what books he bought to throwaway comments he made while being videotaped.

      What was it you said about world changing events? I agree, let’s focus on those. Sadly, the right wing can’t do that.


      1. Re: Kingmidget;

        If one is being intellectually honest and live within the boundaries of the United States, they are constantly bombarded with the particulars of FLOTUSs style. Case in point, let’s do a comparative analysis is how Laura Bush/George W. Bush and the forked tongued Barack Obama/Michelle Obama in their selection of clothes while in public. In other words, you would never see George W. Bush sauntering around in sandals and chewing gum like a cow(as shown by Obama in the bookstore). Regarding me “not having my own children”, its amazing how one can make definitive statements without any facts. In other words, just continue your almost blind support for POTUS and the Democratic Party.


      2. Hate to tell you this, Michael, but I read voraciously about politics and international affairs, and the only places I see people obsessing about the clothes and style of the First Family are in the newsstand rags (which I don’t read) and right-wing websites. So, if that’s what you read, it’s no wonder you feel constantly bombarded. You should try to read things that don’t focus on the meaningless and the trivial. I’ll give you an example, I refuse to read The Huffington Post because of how much useless crap they have on their website. So, try again.

        If you had your own children, you would know that it is impossible to get teenagers to act respectfully 100% of the time. I guarantee you weren’t capable of doing it and to suggest there is a problem with the First Family because of what was in that video is to hold them to a higher standard than you yourself are capable of.

        As for my blind support of the President and the Democratic Party. Try again. The problem isn’t with me, it is with people like you who can’t type words about the current president without using the words “forked tongued.” Hey, dude, where’s your respect for the office? Oh, that’s right, that’s part of your double standard as well. The right can absolutely try to destroy the current President’s reputation and standing and that’s OK. It’s not showing a lack of respect, but as soon as Obama does something you disagree with, he’s not respecting the office!!! How pathetic.


      3. Re: Kingmidget;

        The fact remains that G.W. Bush and B.H. Obama are both corporatists, neoliberal, and war criminal presidents. You need to be aware that simply because you read voraciously does not imply that you have a monopoly on scholarly information. If one critically examined the type of books you have read it would probably be too impressive. I am making this point because others are as equally or more read than yourself along so don’t assume that you’re the only commenter whose well read. We have to be honest in saying that we have ideologues on the Right, Center, and Left along the political spectrum. Last point, the ruling elites in this country do not care about those situated at the lower end of the SES scale along with our country being sold to foreign investors at the expense of American workers. I like to refer to this conundrum as the 21st century Trojan horse in America.


      4. Michael … I wasn’t making the point that I’m well-read. I also wasn’t claiming to be more well-read than you or any other commenter. I was challenging your claim that we are bombarded with stories about the Obama’s fashion, hair and clothes. I read a wide variety of sources, left-wing, right wing, impartial — books, blogs, newspapers, etc. — and the only places that I see the type of stories you claim to be bombarded with are on the right-wing sites or in the newsstand rags like US and National Enquirer. So, go on being bombarded because of what you choose to read. I’ll stick with what I read. By the way, I’m curious, what’s wrong with the President of the United States chewing gum while he’s out shopping for books?


  9. It’s quite obvious that entire too many American men have become effeminized to the point they will literally saying anything to placate their female counterparts in hopes of securing easier access to her knockers as if they have two XX chromosomes.


    1. Says the man who pays way too much attention to the First Lady’s hair and makeup.


    2. Michael, you’ve made decent arguments so far, though I don’t agree with you I’ll give credit as it’s due–don’t spoil it with gratuitous doucebaggery. And watch with the ad hominem stuff–it’s petty and you can do better.


  10. USA Today has reported that she is resigning from her position with the Congressman. She won’t suffer, though, because she’ll just be hired by some other right wing politician or lobbying group.


  11. And the news just keeps getting better … Ms. Lauten who has a high opinion of how other people’s teenagers should act was arrested for larceny when she was a teenager for trying to steal from a department store.


  12. This is so funny people cussing God, Christians, the country, cats and dogs. I think that big bird should win the next election then we would be able to excuse his delusion about making a difference. Everyone really wants to drive their point home. It’s every one else’s fault the country is in the toilet. I didn’t do nothing wrong except lynch a couple of n—- in the press with my pen. But who cares they have always been dispensable in this country. We do the same thing behind close doors Mama. Who cares when we take a cheap shot at tarbabies or porch monkeys after all you told me their history the babies were alligator bait back in the day!. Haven’t we given up enough to those people. All they do is complain about corporate greed, special interest and super paks who buy their way into the government. What do they want with a nice home, after all food stamps done bankrupted the country, Poor people we can do without them for sure. The gas prices are down so corporate America and the government is good to them. We got some new ones fresh from Mexico, labor cheap as hell but we don’t intend to pay them either so shhhh. Use and deport. Stop blaming the good old Lautens of this world, its your own fault we have to treat you the way we do cause everything we do is justifiable and excusable. If you don’t like the country we stole from the Indians leave so we can destroy each other! Just leave cause the truth hurts so bad all I want to do is to go to hell and get my party on. LAUTEN U ROCK! Who needs a moral compass? I am mad at God cause he shows me what I really look like!!!! FREE SPEECH ROCKS!! Sometimes you laugh to keep from crying the tears of a clown. I didn’t do nothing wrong not like you anyway..Lauten I can’t believe u stole something noooooo!


    1. Somehow I think that when the idea of free speech came about, it wasn’t intended in the was that Lauten so gracefully used it. Same goes for you.
      I’m just so glad this story has the perfect ending it deserves


    2. trufrien–I honestly don’t know if this is offensive or sarcastic, but my head hurts a little now that I’ve read it and I’ve heard challenging reading is good to stave off Alzheimers, so I’ll allow it and let the jury of your peers decide for themselves….


    3. Re: Trufrien;

      Let’s examine some of your inaccurate and racist commentary. Point one: The United States financial crisis is primarily due to the US treasury Department continue borrowing hundreds of billions of dollars from our equal enemy called the PRC (you know, the People’s Republic of China), NAFTA, CAFTA, PNTRC, KORUS FTA, along with the scrupulous practices on Wall Street in 2008 and not recipients of TANF (Temporary Assistant for Needed Families). In your case, you so ignorantly described as “welfare” which definitely reveals how dated and ill-informed you are. By the way, the number one recipient of TANF subsidies is White women and I know fact hurts you Eugenics world view.
      Point two: your repeated usage of racist terminology from the mid-twentieth century is definitely sad on your part because you’re living your life in a time capsule. Interestingly enough, I am most certain that you’re the type of person who verbalizes his racist venom towards those not of your WASP phenotype and every summer you’re laying out in the sun getting a tan. Why?

      In close, I am almost certain that you probably never graduated from college, have repeated contact with local law enforcement, along with struggling to “make ends meet”. As a result, you blame all of your hardships on those who are not of your WASP phenotype. What’s in your wallet?


      1. Flurry of body blows followed by an uppercut to the jaw. Nicely done.


  13. I missed this story completely because I live in Australia, but I’m continually amazed by how childishly some politicians (and others) can behave. We’re surrounded by it. 😦


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  15. I wonder how much the apology is part of the strategy. For example, she makes this horrific statement which probably rallied a lot of the anti-obama folks, but the next moment she’s apologizing and protecting herself. Was it just a lapse in judgment followed by an insincere apology or was the apology itself part of the original plan?


  16. Weasel words can’t hide the truth – the woman’s a moron because she thinks she can say crude stuff about the Obama kids and then claim to have turned to prayer when she, rightfully, got slated for her unacceptable comments. Leave kids out of it.


  17. When people make apologies there is supposed to be contrition and acknowlegement of screwing up. So often when someone’s publicist forces them to apologize and they have zero insight, the apology sounds like an excuse as it does here. Hopefully she will one day have teenagers and realize her smugness, but I would feel sorry for the teenagers.


  18. This is all a bunch of petty nonsense. There are far more important matters to take care of in this nation that these people should be concerning themselves with.


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